Путешествие в Австралию

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risbane situated?
Over 1 million people live in this city.
How many people live there?
It is the only large Australian city with subtropical climate.
What kind of climate is in Brisbane?
Brisbane is very beautiful, with a lot of parks and gardens.
What is it famous for?
It is an important export center of Australia.

What kind of city is Brisbane?
It exports wool, meat, wheat, sugar through the country.
What does the city exports?

Dingo dog Emu

Сolour and size

Habitat and food

Way of living
Contact with people

Kangaroo Koala bear

Сolour and size

Habitat and food

Way of living
Contact with people

5. Грамматический тест по теме «Continuous Tenses- T - Lets meet and work in the grammar club. Тестовое задание на выбор правильной грамматической формы. Учащиеся работают самостоятельно в бланках, потом сверяют работы с правильными ответами, оценивают результаты по предложенным критериям, учитель выясняет, кто и как выполнил задание, разбирает ошибки
My children with koala bears in the national park right now.
(are playing, were playing, will be playing)
My brother about wildlife in Australia at 4 oclock yesterday.
(is reading, was reading, will be reading)
When the father was sleeping, his children a film about dingo dogs.
(were watching, will be watching, are watching)
I Sydney soon.
(shall be visiting, am visiting, was visiting)
hehis friends in Melbourne this time next week?
(willbe meeting, ismeeting, wasmeeting)
Her brother English this time next year.
(isnt learning, werent learning, wont be learning)
We about the continents

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