br/>Лиса (хитрым голосом): I am a fox.
Дети(кричат петушку): Run away! (Беги!)
Петушок (в страхе убегая): Goodbye!
(На полянке появляется зайчик)
Зайчик: Hello! I am a cock.
Дети (приветствуя его): Hello!
Лиса (подкрадываясь к петушку): Hello! Who are you?
Зайчик: I am a cock! Who are you?
Лиса (хитрым голосом): I am a fox.
Дети (кричат петушку): Run away! (Беги!)
Зайчик (в страхе убегая): Goodbye!
(Если лиса поймает петушка или зайчика, игра продолжается с другими персонажами)
Игра "Hey, Mr. Snowman" по теме "Части тела. Parts of the body" и "Новый год в Англии. New Years Day in England"
Дети под песню собирают снеговика.
I went walking
through a winter wonderland
and spied a frosty snowman
who needed a hand.
Hey, Mr. Snowman, what do you need?
"I need BLACK EYES. Put them on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, what do you see?
"I see an ORANGE CARROT. Put it on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see a BLACK TOP HAT. Put it on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some BROWN STICKS. Put them on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see a GREEN SCARF. Put it on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some PINK MITTENS. Put them on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some BLUE BUTTONS. Put them on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see some YELLOW BOOTS. Put them on me. "
Hey, Mr. Snowman, now what do you see?
"I see the coolest snowman ever. Me!"
Игра "Найди детёныша для мамы и папы" по теме "Моя семья. My Famil
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