My Native Town. Мой родной город

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walls. People from many places come to worship to very favourite icons.

Лукьянова Юлия
The Aurora
There are entertaining places in Shakhty. In the cinema Aurora you can see not only films but play exciting games. We have many cafes. One of them is McDonalds.

Постернак Денис
The Monument to Chikh
You can see the monument to M. P. Chikh. He was well-known because he mined a lot of coal.
Рубенкова Дарья
The Local Museum
You can visit the Local Museum in Shakhty. You can see interesting pictures. You can see animals and take photos with them

3) Жюри подводит итоги
3. Режим on-line. Выход в скайп (15 мин)
- приветствие учителей;
- представление учителя из г. Азова (Сибиль Ирины Юрьевны);
- выступление обучающихся из г. Азова (рассказ о городе);
Task 1
Match the left and the right column
the Museum reserve
the Rampart a wall and stone gates
the Powder cellar a place in which to store gun-powder
the Eternal Fire a monument
Azov 320 thousand exhibits
a skeleton of Trogontherium mammoth
a diorama
the Don
in 1067
83 thousand people

- представление учителя из г. Шахты ( Грушецкой Инны Владимировны)
Good afternoon, dear children! My name is Inna Vladimirovna. And now listen to the information about Shakhty.
-выступление обучающихся из г. Шахты.
Task 2.
Mark the sights you havent heard about
Alexandrovsky Park
Sports Palace
the Aurora
the Town Museum
the monument to Vasiliy Alekseyev
Alley of Olympic Champions of Shakhty
the Eternal Fire
Lenin Square
The monument to Michail Pavlovich Chikh

- Teacher: Now we send you a little test that we have prepared for you. We

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