My Native Town. Мой родной город

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are sure that it is easy for. Do it, and in 5 minutes you will get right variants.
4. Режим off-line. Выполнение теста (5 мин) (звучит классическая музыка)
"Our Town Azov"
Dear friends,
This lesson we have told you about our native town Azov in general. We send you this test and we are sure that it will be easy for you.
Good luck!
Your new friends from Azov.

1. When was Azov founded?
a) in 1067
b) in 2000
c) in 1500
2. What is the population of it?
a) 100 thousand people
b) 83 thousand people
c) 67 thousand people
3. What is the Museum - . . . ?
a) Reserve
b) Monument
c) Square
4. What is the Rampart?
a) a park
b) a museum
c) a wall and stone gates
5. What is the Powder cellar?
a) a place in which to store sweets
b) a place in which to store gun-powder
c) a place in which to store souvenirs
6. What is the Eternal Fire?
a) a gallery
b) a shop
c) a monument
7. Where can you see 320 thousand exhibits?
a) in the Museum-Reserve
b) in the cinema
c) in the park
8. What is the most popular exhibit in the museum?
a) a bridge
b) a wonderful seaport
c) a skeleton of Trogontherium mammoth
9. Where can you see a diorama dedicated to the battle for Azov?
a) in the Rampart
b) in the Powder cellar
c) in the seaport
10. What is the famous river in Azov?
a) It is the river Thames
b) It is the river Moscow
c) It is the river Don

5. Проверка и самооценка (2 мин)
Check up!
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. c

What is your score?

9-10 points - Excellent!
7-8 poin

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