My Native Town. Мой родной город

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about our town. So it its time to show them and protect that your agency is best. (слайд 1)
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1) The 1st group "Summer Dream" you are welcome.
(обуч-ся рассказывают о городе Шахты, сопровождают свой рассказ презентацией, представляют буклет)

"Summer Dream"
Кузьменко Валерия
Hello, dear tourists!
The travel agency "Summer Dream" offers you a trip to a wonderful town Shakhty today. Experienced guides will accompany you. They are ready to show you all the sights worth visiting and tell you about them. We would like to acquaint the sights of our town, such as the cinema "Aurora" and "Maximum", the Town Park, the Palace of Sports and other interesting places.
The Maximum
The biggest store in our town is "Maximum". There you can see films, buy souvenirs, clothes, sit at a café. We hope that you will visit it and get a lot of fun.
Устинова Диана
Central Cathedral
We think every tourist should visit our town cathedral. It is a very beautiful building in the town center. You can see icons, vitrages and pictures. The cathedral surprises people by its expanse. People feel quietly and lightly.
Волынец Дарья
The Town Museum
The Historical Museum of our town is situated in Shevchenko street. You can learn about the town from its founding. There are many exhibitions and pictures in it. The museum often arranges interesting exhibitions.
Швыркова Екатерина
Alexandrovsky Park
Alexandrovsky Park is a famous place in our town Shakhty. There are a lot of cafes and restaurants. The main alley is near a big square with summer scene where you can see interesting concerts and children and their par

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