My Native Town. Мой родной город

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ents can spend their free time: attend many attractions and merry go-rounds, feed birds, visit play grounds for little children, the road for tourists where you can meet different tasks and polite instructors. You can sit on the comfortable benches and see many sculptures and of course, see squares.

Тищенко Игорь
The Aurora
In our town there is the cinema Aurora. In the cinema there is a hall with 850 seats. You can see films in the format 2D and 3D. You can visit a bar. There you can buy a lot of food and drinks, play different games such as air hockey and billiard.

2) The 2nd group "Silky Way" you are welcome.
" Silky Way"
Черных Валерия
Good afternoon!
We would like to tell you about our town Shakhty. We are proud of outstanding sportsmen. Shakhty is listed in the Guiness Book. Shakhty has a lot of interesting places.

Чеботарева Ксения
Alexandrovsky Park
In our town there is Alexandrovsky Park. It is 100 years old. There are many attractions here. You can have fun. You can visit the Eternal Fire here. There is a large and interesting planetarium. Everybody can see unforgettable films about our galaxy.

Постернак Денис
The Plast
You can visit our theatre. You can see performances and relax, admire.
Рубенкова Дарья
The Maximum
There is a shopping center Maximum in Shakhty. You can buy clothes, souvenirs, films. I recommend you to visit the "Maximum"

Чеботарева Ксения
Central Cathedral
In Shakhty you can visit the Central Cathedral. The Christians like to come there and celebrate religious holidays. They celebrate such holidays as Christmas and Maslenitsa. This cathedral is beautiful. There are many prayers on the

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