MY Life

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ou are to express the words or expressions with gestures or mime. And the others will try to guess.
Besides, boys and girls, there are some more new words. Look at the presentation and repeat the words after me.
(слайд )
(Alton Towers, nursery school, hospital, primary school, (meet)met my friends, (begin)began, the Baltic coast, (move)moved to, (make)made new friend, conversation, secondary school, excited)
Проверка новых слов на запоминание
Учащиеся находят слова и определяют их значение с помощью наглядных средств (презентация).

6 этап. Первичное закрепление новых знаний.
(песня-попурри) So, dear boys and girls, so listen to the song- potpourri and you can also sing, enjoy or relax. And after be ready to tell me what grammar tense you notice in the sentences. (1 мин)
Do you like the song, the melody? Do you like it?
the Past Simple
(слайд- схема )
Lets revise the Grammar rules of the Past Simple. You can tell us in Russian.
What is the Past Simple?
What 2 groups of verbs do you know?( regular, irregular)
How can regular verbs form the Past Simple? (With - ed)
And irregular verbs (we must know them by heart)
What is the auxiliary verb in the Past Simple? (did)
After did we use the verb . . . (in the first form)
Специальные вопросы?
Lets come back to the text and answer the questions of ex. 3 on p. 114.
Read the text and find out when Anka did these things. Write down the answers in your exercise-book. ( 1 minute. )
Time is up! 3-2-1- bump!
Compare answers with your partner.
Lets check. (P1, P2. . . в презентации открываются правильные ответы)
Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме. (3 мин)<

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