MY Life

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Dear children! Its high time to tell the topic of our lesson. But before Id like to show you a short video. After try to guess what are we going to speak about?(1 min)
3 этап. Постановка учебной задачи. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Целеполагание, введение в тему (определение темы).
Do you enjoy the video?. . . . . . .
What are we going to speak about at our lesson?
Possible answers: about myself, my biography, my interests, my family, my birthday, my hobby, my favorite subject. . .
They are parts of our life, so the subject of our lesson is"My Life"
Выслушивает предположения учащихся о работе на уроке, чем они будут заниматься:
What will we do? What do you think about it?
Possible answers : Read a text, Translate, Speak English , Make up a dialogue, Write, To do exercises, speak about somebodys life.
You are right. Well speak about somebodys life.

4 этап. Listening and reading (scanning) p. 114
(слайд с фотографией ) Lets work with our books. Open your books at page 114. Look at this photo, please. This is Anka. Do you want to learn some information about her? Then listen and read her autobiography. You should understand where Anka lived before and where she lives now.
(3 min)
Слушают и читают текст.
5 этап. Первичная проверка понимания новых знаний.
Answer: She lived in Poland and now lives in England.
Look at the text again. There you see words in blue. Try to understand their meaning from the context.
Match the pictures with the words in blue. Please, do it individually first. (слайд )
Compare your answers with your partner.
Lets check the answers.
Picture 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 ?
(приготовить листочки для игры)
The game - y

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