Моя комната

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- Today, I want to invite you to my flat. But I dont know what to tell you. Ask me the questions.
Do you live in a house or in a block of flats?
What floor is your flat on?
How many rooms are there in your flat?
What is your favourite room?
Слайд 2 ( описание квартиры , в котором дана неверная информация)
I live in a block of flats. My flat is on the first floor. My flat is big. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a hall, a kitchen and a bathroom in my flat. My favourite room is my kitchen. I can read, work and relax here.
- Read about my flat. Is everything correct?

- Whats your favourite room?
Слайд 3 (с диаграммой)
- I asked pupils from different classes what their favourite room was. Please, look at the diagram. What is the favourite room for pupils?
- The bedroom.
- The most popular answer is the bedroom.
- So, what is the theme of our lesson? What are we going to do at the lesson?
( о любимой комнате, рассказывать о комнате. . . . )
- Today, at the lesson we are going to describe a room . Our theme is "My bedroom"

Задают вопросы.

Читают текст индивидуально, 1 - ученик вслух, определяют неверную информацию.

- No, your favourite room is the bedroom.

Отвечают о своих комнатах.

Определяют тему урока .
Ставят себе цель: научиться описывать комнат используя английский язык.
Актуализация изученного материала.
3 мин
Слайд 4 ( с темой и картинкой комнаты )
-Now, come back to my bedroom and try to describe it. Use in, on, under, behind, next to, in front of. Ill start.
There is a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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