Masterpieces. Third conditional

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a style that he invented and called "ethnosymbolism". Gvozdevs creativity is linked to the Kazakh culture, traditions and customs. That is why his nick name is the Kazakh word Shege which means "nail".
His father, a famous artist Andrey Gvozdev, taught him to love painting and taught him to see the world differently. But what helped him to find his own style is the Kazakh folk art. Ten years later, working in the carpet business, he found out about traditional manual carpet weaving and was shocked by the richness and deep meaning of ancient symbols. And then he decided to try to "speak" in the language of ancient symbols. Studying the history of ancient Kazakhs, the ornament of carpet weaving he discovered that the nomads had developed the figurative system of symbols: the snake is wisdom, the eagle - freedom, independence, the tree - sign of life. So the ancient Kazakh sign system, a kind of letter became the basis of Gvozdevs paintings.
Paintings of Vladimir Gvozdev are in pure colours, mostly in red-and-yellow scheme. There is sunlight so they are very positive.
His works are in galleries and private collections in Kazakhstan, Germany, Russia, Australia, USA, Austria, UK, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, France, Hungary, Poland, Turkey and Georgia.

Handout 2

2. Kazakh Painter in Romania Teaches Culture, Traditions and Customs of Kazakhstan.
Painter and a student Alua Tebenova is one such creative individual, building her artistic career in Romania.
"My connection with fine arts began when I was starting school. Once my father picked me up from school and gave me a big A3 folder full of painting materials". Her mother and father made a decision to get her into a school of pain

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