адействованы слова, которые были выучены не только сегодня, но и на предыдущих уроках.
VII. Тренировка в ответах на вопросы по тексту.
Перед тем, как отвечать на вопросы, учитель может дать ученикам возможность ещё раз прослушать текст.
-Was Miss Martha a young girl?
-What kind of bread was cheaper, stale or fresh?
-Who came to Miss Marthas shop two or three times a week?
-What did the man wear?
-Why did Miss Martha think that man was not healthy (poor)?
-Why did Miss Martha want to help him?
-What idea did she have?
-Why was the man angry the next day?
-Did Miss Martha really help him?
VIII. Подготовка к пересказу и пересказ текста.
-Put the sentences in order and use them as a plan to retell the text.
На доске написаны предложения:
1. He was an architect and used stale bread to take away pencil lines.
2. One man often came to Miss Marthas shop.
3. Miss Martha was 40 and she was not married.
4. He always bought stale bread.
5. She sold fresh and stale bread.
6. Miss Martha liked the man and wanted to help him.
7. He couldnt finish a plan for a new office because of the butter.
8. She put some butter in the stale bread and gave it to the man.
9. The man was not healthy because he coughed and his eyes were red.
10. The next day the poor man came to the shop and he was very angry.
-First practice retelling the story in pairs. Ученики пересказывают текст друг другу в парах, затем один или двое учеников вслух.
IX. Работа над ошибками в контрольной работе.
-Lets stop there. Most of you have done that very well. Now I want you to do corrections. Учитель анализирует результаты контрольной работы. Ученики выполняют работу над ошибками.
X. Итог урока
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