Изобретения и изобретатели

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s done.
Try to determine what is not working.
Try to determine what is working.
Just keep trying.
-Good luck to you
Беседа о российских изобретателях. (Слайды 34-36)
T: These were English and American inventors.
What about Russia?
Do you know Russian inventors?
What are they?
7 a) Монологическое высказывание
T: Your self-preparation task was to preparation task was to prepare some information about Russian inventors.
Now you can tell us about them.
7 b) Диалогическая речь (Обсуждение прослушанных сообщений).
T: Thank you, dear friends. Your information was very usefull and interesting. Students, you may ask 4 questions to each group and discuss reports about Russian inventors.
Gr. 1 Gr. 2
Gr. 2 Gr. 1
Where was S. P. Korolyov born?
Where did he study?
What was his important invention?
When did he invent it?
T: I give you 6 minutes.
Conclusion. (5 min. )
Подведение итогов, рефлексия. (Слайды 37-38)
T: Today we have learned some facts about famous inventors (we can call them Great Minds) and their inventions. Was it interesting for you? Im sure you have understood our topic of the lesson because you have read, understood and you have spoken.
Your home task: You will make a project about one of the Great Minds. (Объяснения задания на самоподготовку) Find some more names of great minds and their inventions in Russia and in other countries, according to the chosen field of science.
T: Id like to thank you for your work. You were really great! I hope youve learned much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future. Your marks are …
Well, I think our time is up. Thank you for your work and attention.

Worksheet 1
Fill in the mi

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