Изобретения и изобретатели

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ssing letter in the words:
DVD pla…er, comp…ter, calc. . l. . tor, al. . m, clo. . k, vac. . ume cle. . ner,mi. . row. . ve ov. . n, mob. . le p. . one, c. . mera, was. . ing mach. . ne, co. . ker, wa. . hing dish. . s, frid. . e, pl. . ne,gad. . et, TV s. . t, sc. . ent. . st.
Worksheet 2

Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Match the inventors and their inventions.
Electric light bulb
Wright brothers

Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6 A
Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?
Most people know that he (create)1 the first working light bulb,
but they dont know anything else about him. He (invent) 2over 1000 different things. Among his inventions are: the phonograph (record player), the movie camera and the movie projector. He (make) 3 his electric light bulb in 1879, but there was still much work to do. No one (know) 4
how to use electricity outside of laboratory. He and his workers created a safe electric system. First they (build)5 a factory. Then they (have)6 to build the dynamos to make the electricity. Next they had to build electric lines. To show people that he (be)7
serious, he (begin)8 his project in New York City. By 1887, most part of New York City was electrified.
He (live)9 until 1931. He (continue)10 to invent all his life. He was a true genius.
Worksheet 6 B
Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into their Past form. Guess, who is the text about?
He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847. His father (be) 1 a world-
famous inventor of « Visible Speech » ,which (help) 2deaf people to pronounce words they could not

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