Интересная фразеология

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ен айырмашылығын анықтау негізінде қорытынды жасау.

The choice of a subject is caused by that speech culture of modern school youth the very low.
It, first of all, is connected with that modern young people prefer information technologies, rather than reading fiction.
Speech of pupils of schools differs scarcity of a lexicon, in it at all there are no phraseological units means of expressiveness of language.
To meet this lack, we decided to address to the subject "Phraseology".
- to get acquainted with the concept "phraseology", "phraseological unit" and to learn more examples of phraseological designs;
- to track, as it is frequent, in what situations and who uses these combinations of words;
- detection of similarities and distinctions in lexico-semantic groups of phraseological units of Russian and Kazakh languages.
Subject urgency: The knowledge of phraseological units and their use, certainly, recovers speech, does it interesting and rich. And studying of Russian and Kazakh phraseology in comparison is very important for the personality, increases its culture and language skills and the language phenomena. Therefore this subject is represented to us interesting.
Hypothesis: lets assume that there are similarities and distinctions of phraseological units Kazakh and Russian at their classification in lexico-semantic groups.
Research problems:
- to consider some questions of theoretical character connected with definition of the concepts "phraseological unit", "set phrase", use of phraseological units in speech of pupils;
- to investigate the use in speech of phrase

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