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На двери объявление:
All those who are fond of English and American traditions are invited to attend a Halloween Party which is to be held on October 31.
Fancy-dress costumes are to be your only ticket. Remember, only English will be spoken at the party.
"Long live all witches and wizards!"
"Down with the people"
Зал соответственно украшен.
На сцену выходит главная ведьма.
The Main Witch:
Hello, friends! Lets begin our holiday, the Witches holiday. Welcome to the hall where our party will take place.
Гаснет свет. На столах в зале горят сечи. На сцене тыквы с горящими свечами. Ребята сидят за столиками. На столиках фрукты, соки, конфеты. Звучит музыка.
Girls and boys
Go out to play
The moon is bright
On Halloween night.

Take your candle
Take your mask
The moon is bright
On Halloween night.

Look for witches
Look for ghosts
The moon is bright
On Halloween night.

Под музыку выходят из входной двери дети, переодетые в скелетов, ведьм, гоблинов. Поднимаются на сцену и замирают.
На сцену выходят двое ведущих.
Witch 1:
Its Halloween! Its Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shell see what cant be seen
On any other night.
Witch 2:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

Witch 1:
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the King and Queen
For, Oh, tonight its Halloween!
(Jack Prelutsky)
Все убегают со сцены.
Witch 2:
Dear children! Do you know where this holiday gets

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