Животный мир

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remember too
That the monkeys laugh at you.

Teacher: Referee, tell us the result of the second competition.
Песенка-зарядка: "My eyes can see".
Teacher: Lets play a little bit. Sing and do!
My eyes can see, my ears can hear,
My nose can smell, my mouth can talk,
My head can nod, my legs can walk,
My legs can walk, and walk, and walk.

Competition 3.
Teacher: What about a game of "Echo"? You are the echo now. Which team is the best echo?
I can go. I can run. I can jump. I can climb I can sleep. I can . . .
Teacher: Referee, which are the best echo?

Competition 4.
Teacher: Competition 4: "Guess what it is". Ive prepared some riddles for you.
1. It is big. It is green. It can run. It can swim. It can swallow you. What is it? (Is it a crocodile? ).
Teacher: Thats right. Come here, please, take the crocodile. What can the crocodile do?
Pupil: It can run. It can swim.
Teacher: What cannot the crocodile do?
P: It cannot fly.

2. It is small. It is gray. It can run. It can climb. It cannot fly. It cannot jump. What is it? (Is it the mouse?).

3. It is big. It is brown. It can run. It can swim. It can climb trees. It cannot fly. It sleeps in winter. (Is it a bear?).

4. It is small. It can be red, green, brown, blue, yellow, white. It can fly. It can talk. It cannot swim. (Is it a parrot?)
Teacher: Referee, tell us the results, please.

Competition 5.
Teacher: Competition 5: "Can you . . . ?"
One pupil from each team come here. Listen, show, answer and do!
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?

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