Животный мир

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V, play football. I can swim.
P2: Oh, sorry. Its time to finish.
P1: OK.
A song: "Tomorrow on Sunday".
Teacher: That will do. The captains are very clever and brave. Before the second competition lets go to the Zoo to see animals. Please, sing a song: "Tomorrow on Sunday":
Tomorrow on Sunday well go to the Zoo
Tomorrow (2) well go to the Zoo.
There is a giraffe there and a yellow lion too.
A bear and a monkey, and a big elephant too.
Tomorrow on Sunday well go to the Zoo.
Tomorrow (2) well go to the Zoo.
There is there a walrus, and a stripy tiger too,
A zebra and a donkey, and a baby kangaroo.
Teacher: How well you can sing! Dear boys and girls, what animals can you see in the Zoo?
Look at the picture and repeat after me. (Class is repeating. )
Teacher: Referee, can you tell the results of the first competition of the captains?
Team N2 1 - gets I banana. Team N2 2 - gets 2 bones.
Competition 2.
Teacher: The second competition is called: "What is it?"
Ive got two bags of animals. Any pupil from team N 1, come here, please. Take the toys of the animals, show and ask a question: "What is it?
Pupils from team N 2, answer: "It is a monkey". And now any pupil from team 2, come here, please. Do the same.
Two poems: "The elephant", "The monkey".
Teacher: You are tired. Lets have a rest. Youve learnt short poems. You can recite them.
The Elephant.
The elephant has got a son,
A little boy, a small one.
But Im simply at a loss,
The child is bigger than a horse.
The monkeys.
Visitors of all ages
Like to laugh near these cages
But you must

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