еенные по классу и приклеивают на доску, среди собранной лексики есть слова, не относящиеся к теме, задача их назвать и объяснить свой выбор)
VIII. Песня.
(На парту выдается комплект карточек)
Lets listen to a very yummy song
Listen to the song and put the pictures with the fruits in the right order as they are mentioned in the song. (Ученики складывают фрукты в том порядке, в котором они услышали в песне. )
Listen to the song once again and compare your answers with the screen. (на экране открываются правильные ответы)
IX. Riddles.
T: Do you like Riddles?
P: Yes, we do.
T: Then , lets do some riddles (на проекторе появляются загадки, дети их зачитывают и разгадывают. )Its fruit. Its yellow. I drink tea with it. Its yuck. (lemon)
Its white. I like to drink it. I drink it with cakes. Its yummy. (milk)
Its red. Its not a fruit. I like to eat it in salad and pizza. (tomato)
Its brown, but not tea. I eat it with soup. Its yummy(bread)
Is it healthy food? Does it make us healthy?
X. Making Salad
T: Have you ever cooked any food yourself? Its time to try. Now you will work in pairs. Each of you will get a plate and a number of food. Theres the name of your dish on the plate. Your task is to put all the necessary products in your plate. Please, start doing.
Do you think its healthy food?
Youve done this task very well.
XI. Healthy Alphabet
T: I see that you know a lot of food names and I want you play one more game before making conclusions.
T: Very often we see these letters. They are vitamins. We may say с –carrot-cabbage (Ученики предлагается вытянуть букву из мешочка и называть любой продукт, используя конструкц
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