Food and drink /Еда и прохладительные напитки

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Ссылка: https://uchi. ru/teachers/groups/6748136/subjects/5/courseprograms/5/cards/292386

6. Введение активной лексики урока

Первичное закрепление
T: In order to do other exercises, we should revise and learn some new word expressing containers and quantities (ёмкости и упаковки)

Look at the screen. Lets read and translate these words.
Bottle, carton, box, packet, loaf, bag, bar, jar, kilo, piece

Repeat after me.

Работа с заданиями от Учи. ру.
Ссылка: https://uchi. ru/teachers/groups/6748136/subjects/5/courseprograms/5/cards/292386

7. Физкультминутка
I think that its time to have a break!

Listen to me attentively.

I am going to say some words. When you hear the words mean vegetables, you should clap. When you hear the words mean fruit, you should stand up and jump. When you hear drinks, you should tap your legs.

(Варианты выполнения данного задания могут меняться)

8. Грамматика
Quantifiers. Обобщение правила употребления исчисляемых и неисчисляемых существительных с неопределёнными местоимениями some/any.
T: Look at some words at the screen. They are some and any. These words are used with countable and uncountable nouns to show their quantity. They are called quantifiers.
For example, Ive got some books and copybooks on my table. Are there any toys? No, there arent any toys on the table.

(Учитель показывает предметы на своем столе)

You can study the rules and read some more examples in the grammar reference, page GR6.

(Учитель показывает соответствующий раздел в грамматическом справочнике на с. GR6. )

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