2 min
Teacher greats students;
Teacher asks students "How are you?"to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson;
I hope our guests will have an enjoyable time with us.
Lets check your hometask: At the last lesson weve learned inquiry method of teaching.
Look at the board! Lets solve puzzle and try to guess the theme of our lesson. (учащиесярешаютпазл)
You are right. Super! Itsfashion and all that concerns it.
Our goal is to get to know as much as possible about different kind of clothes & fashion.
-Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the students.
-Divides into 2 groups.
-Watching the video
The teacher asks the students concept questions:
- What do you usually wear at home? At school? On a special occasions?
Yes, youre right
And one more question about your school uniform?
-Are you satisfied with your school uniform?
Lets get acquainted with new vocabulary, listen and repeat;
Working with vocabulary:
Task 1. For more able learners. Try to guess the word from the definition:
1) Hat-headdress that protects the head from bad weather
2) Hoody-short for hooded sweatshirt, is a heavy upper body garment with a hood
3) Skirt-a woman or girls outen garment that hangs from the waist.
4) Jacket-a short coat
5) Shoe-footwear shaped to fit the foot
6) Sandal-a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot
7) Top- the upper part of anything
8) Accessories - a supplementary component that improves capability
9) Scarf- a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
10) Trainers-strong, comfortable
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