English Banknotes

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You are right. Our main topic for discussion will be the famous people depicted on the English banknotes. Do you want to know what these people are famous for? Would you like to know it?
I want to give some individual tasks to you.
Who is interested in Biology?
Who is interested in Economics? Who is interested in History?

Look! We can see Queen Elizabeth 2, Charles Darwin, Elizabeth Fry, Adam Smith on the screen. El. Fry is depicted on a five-pound note, Ch. Darwin is depicted on a ten-pound note, and we can see portraits of Sir Edward Elgar and Adam Smith on a twenty - pound note. Each of you has to make some search to find out some facts about one of these people. And then you must complete a table about a person and inform the whole class how these men became famous. You have only 15 minutes. Good luck!
Учащиеся получают тексты об известных людях, изображенных на купюрах, таблицы, которые они должны заполнить
(приложение 1, приложение 2)

Lets get acquainted with some useful phrases. Match them with their Russian equivalents.

The next task for you is to read a text about Queen Elizabeth II. You are to read the sentences, translate them and use the verbs in brackets in their correct form.

One of the famous men depicted on the banknotes is a famous English composer Sir Edward Elgar. Lets have a rest and listen to his beautiful music.

As I can see our speakers are ready to present the results of their work. But at first lets watch a short video about Queen Elizabeth II. What do you feel having watched the video?

Lets start. Who would like to be the first?

As a kind of relaxation lets get acquainted

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