Electronic books in education and life

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Ashir A. J.
Muster of Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
E-mail: ayjanashiryahoo. com

Electronic books in education and life.

According to technological development of our country we can say that everything is possible to improve the learning society. Because in daily life each learner needs something unusual which could give him everything in easiest way. As we know that well-informed nation will be our future utility. So in this study we tried to show the usage of electronic books with its importance.
On 2006 year the president of Kazakhstan on his words said that in the future we must became "an electronic government". So that in Kazakhstan nowadays using electronic sledding became most important mission.
From preschools to universities, jobs everything has to be equipped with the latest technology. In preschools, schools, colleges, universities are listening, showing, watching, learning by IP boards, projectors, computers and Internet.
Usage of this technologies will give a good performance, but now we need something which can fix everything in it, which we can use not only at schools or university and also at home. For about four or five years scientists have invented electronic books, which are really comfortable in usage .
In real XXI century is the century of informational technologies. So that the science became clearer and interesting. In metro, on bus, on the plane and everywhere you can see people reading their electronic books. Is it useful or not, importance of electronic books for maths, physics and other science, is there advantages or not we are going to discuss this in this topic.
Group of students has asked lots of people in different

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