Electronic books in education and life

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ages their thoughts about electronic books. According to the survey of students, we get the result and saw that young people at ages 25-35 uses electronic books more often than others.
Would you like to use electronic books and can it change place with paper books?
But for this question people answered equally, just one percent of people said that at the future electronic books will replace paper books.
Now lets take a look for advantages and disadvantages of electronic books:
We can change fonts, backgrounds, colors according to our eyes. But it may harm for our health.
It takes small part of place and fractionally weightless. But poorly adapted to the brightness of place.
It can accommodate a library. But it depends on electricity.
It easily can send an information to our friends. But it is fragile, can be broken.
The information can be found easily( we dont have enough time to find books). Much costs, but cheeper than volumed books.
Lots of electronic books has function of speech synthesis. Its easy to read books with listening if you are driving a car for example. But it hasnt much illustration in some of electronic books.
Rare, expensive books are available in electronic form and can be send to large readership. In some way changing books to electronic form is the only way to save it for years. Because of that there are electronic libraries like nauka. kz where earlier and latest writings are saved.
Conserve forests and rivers.
As we see paper books and electronic books are in equal places. Of course to find out information in easiest way is more comfortable than looking forward in all books, but to read paper books on a hand is more aesthetic.
At the same time, the availability of electron

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