Education. Education in Russia

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so on. Many institutes have evening and extra-mural departments. That gives the students an opportunity to study at an institute without leaving their jobs.
Right - право
Duty - обязанность
Secondary - среднее
Deep -глубокий
Vocational school - профтехучилище
General - общий
To receive - получать
Training - обучение
Higher - высшее
Extra-mural - заочный
Opportunity - возможность
So, you looked through the text, read the words, the questions. Who wants to read his dialogue?
Примерные ответы студентов (диалог на основе текста)
A: Is education in our country free?
B:Yes it is. Education is free in our country.
A: Is education in Russia right or duty?
B: It is our Constitutional right, but it is a duty, too.
A: What kind of schools are there in Russia?
B: There are schools of general education and specialized schools.
B:What are the possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary school?
A:Young people can continue their education at vocational schools, technical schools or colleges.
B: What are the main types of educational institutions in our country?
A: Vocational schools, technical schools, colleges and high schools: Institutes and Universities.
B: What are the types of higher education institutions in Russia?
A: Institutes and Universities.
5) Подведение итогов занятия.
So, what were we speaking about?
We were speaking about education in the broadest sense and about Education in Russia.
What is Informal and formal education?
Informal education is learning something without a teacher, tests or exams. And formal education is instruction given at schools, colleges, Universities.

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