Дерево держится корнями, а мы семьями

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created inconveniences in communication. The stock of nicknames was almost inexhaustible and made it easy to distinguish a person from other carriers of the same name. Therefore, nicknames were added to baptismal names, and often completely replaced them not only in everyday life, but also in official documents.
Thus, genealogy is important in a persons life. To find out about their origin. Lets take a closer look at what a family is.
Marriage is the beginning and core of the family. The nature of the marital relationship depends primarily on the motives that led to the conclusion of this marriage union. The impact on the family of the economic basis of society and the entire social existence is largely carried out through motives and is mediated by them. If many scientists define marriage as a socially and personally appropriate stable form of sexual relations sanctioned by society, then the family is a small social group based on a single family — wide activity, connected with the ties of matrimony — parenthood — kinship.
With the development of society, marriage and the family change. Legislators and specialists in family and marriage relations are increasingly recognizing the need for a contractual basis for marriage. Political scientists believe that the family performs a number of functions that ensure the life of society. The most important of them, according to most experts, are reproductive, educational, economic and recreational.
According to psychologists, the family is a fixed union that takes its basis in marital relationships, where spouses and children are connected by a common economic budget, household and everyday life. The relationship in the parent-child relationship is represented by the basis of the family. It is an important in

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