Дерево держится корнями, а мы семьями

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а также только положительное отношение к ребёнку. Всё это переплетается и в каждом случае проявляется по-разному. Семейное воспитание более эмоционально по своему характеру, чем любое другое воспитание, потому что «проводником» семейного воспитания является родительская любовь к детям, которая вызывает ответные чувства детей к своим родителям.
The tree is held by the roots, and we are a family
In Russia, the first instructions on genealogy date back to the 15th century, and in the 16th century the first genealogical paintings appeared, concluding lists of members of one or more genera. In 1682, the Chamber of Genealogical Affairs was established, in which at the end of the 17th century the "Velvet Book" was compiled - a painting of the most noble families of Russia.
According to historians, genealogy (from the Greek: genea - "family"; and logos - "knowledge"; Greek genealogia-genealogy) is a special (applied, auxiliary) historical discipline that deals with the study of kinship relationships of people, the history of genera, the origin of individuals, the establishment of kinship relationships, the compilation of generational paintings and family trees. In a broader sense, genealogy is the science of kinship relationships.
Lets analyze what genealogy is on the example of my last name. The surname Glushkov belongs to the oldest type of Russian surnames, formed from a personal nickname.
The tradition of giving a person, in addition to the name received at baptism, a nickname that reflects some of his individual characteristics, has existed since ancient times in Russia and remained until the XVII century. This is due to the fact that there were relatively few church names, and therefore they were often repeated, which

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