I saw her for real,
I screamed and then ran down the street!
II. Main part
1. Before-text exercises
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T: So, today well read a text. But firstly, lets make some exercises.
What international words do you know, Marina? (M: computer, sport,lift. . . )
And how will you translate the next? - communication, businessmen, information, professional, transactions, product, brochure, price-list, catalogue, problem.
So, you know a lot of English words. You are to see them in the text, be attentive.
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T: Also, we have to remember about word-building. How do we get new words? There are suffixes and prefixes which give us new words. (Analyzing the word-formation )
I hope, this information will always help you in reading.
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And now, please, cross one out
1. Transactions, business letter, customer, price-list, weather, supplier.
2. Inquiry Letter, Christmas card, Quotation Letter, Letter of Apology, Letter of Complaint.
How do you think, what will be the title of text?
2. Reading
T: Look at the text and the words above it. Lets read them, repeat after me.
Now, lets read the text, translate it.
3. After-text exercises
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Are the statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
If you are interested in a product and want some information about it, you write an
enquiry letter to the seller.
When the seller receives an enquiry letter about the product a customer is
interested in he sends the customer the product. - (He sends the Quotation Letter )
If the customer is not satisfied with the product he sends the seller the application
letter. - (He sends the Letter of Apology)
If the seller receives a complaint letter
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