А. С. Пушкин

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achev Rebellion and the novel The Capitains Daughter both published in 1834.
The last years of Pushkins life were painful. In 1829 he fell in love with 16-year old NataliaGoncharova, who rejected his first proposal of marriage. In the spring of 1830 he proposed again and wasaccepted, and he and Natalia were married early the next year.
Natalias social success in St. Peresburg court circles not only displeased Pushkin, but also ran him into heavy debt. In 1834 he received an appointment as a minor functionary at the court, but he was humiliated that even his ancient pedigree and literary acitvements left him socially inferior at the Tsars whim. An affair between Pushkins wife and Baron Georges dAnthes, a Frenchman serving in St. Petersburg, became the subject of widespread gossip
Although dAnthes married Natalias sister, the scandalpersisted and Pushkin challenged dAnthes to a duel.
On the 27th of January the duel took place, and Pushkin was wounded by a pistolshot. He died two days later.
Pushkin was buried, as he had requested in the monastry near Mikhailovskoye.
A. S. Pushkin is a living active force, a mighty factor in Russian literature and art. His image fills our imagination, for he is the soul of our people, an inseparable part of our mentality, of our life.
His poetry is a treasured heritage, that belongs to the Russian people.
A. S. Pushkin is generally considered by critics to be the most important Russian writer of all time, equivalent to Shakespeare in England

A monument Ive raised not built with hands,
And common folk shall keep the path well trodden
To where it unsubdued and towering stands
Higher than Alexanders Column.
I shall not wholly die- for in my sacred lyre
My spirit shall outl

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