Зоопарк Лондона

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Did you play any games in summer? (Yes, I did. I played tennis and basketball. )
What was the weather like during the summer? (The weather was warm and sunny. )
How did you usually spend your evenings in summer? (I watched sports programmes because I am a sports fan. )
- You helped your parents during the summer, didnt you? Did you stay in your native town in the summer? Where did you go? Etc.

3. Основная часть
1. At last lesson you got a letter from your English pen-friend. What did he ask you about? (Could you tell me something about London Zoo?) Quite right! So, today we are talking about London Zoo.
Can you tell me the topic of our lesson? Make up a poem. Use the scheme.
Составление синквейна.
1строка - название темы.
2 строка - описание темы (2 прилагательных).
3 строка - характеристика темы через действие (3 глагола).
4 строка - фраза, выражающая отношение автора синквейна к теме.
5 строка - одно слово-синоним к теме.
London Zoo
Fantastic, old
To watch, to enjoy, to learn
I like all kinds of animals
Wonderful world
Now tell me what you know about London Zoo. What can we learn about London Zoo?
Lets read the texts to find new information. Work in your groups. Then change the information in expert groups. You have 10 minutes.
And now look at the screen and lets watch and read some information about London zoo. (Работа с презентацией)
I will give you the cards with the texts. Look, read and answer the questions

1. Учащиеся получают по 1/3 текста о лондонском зоопарке, объединяются в кооперативные группы, начинают работать.
2. Объединяются в группы группы, сообщают, что узнали при работе в кооперативных группах, обсуждают полный

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