Знаменитый писатель Р. Киплинг

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e wild animals was the cat. . .
6). Teacher: Now you well listen to the extract of the story and express your opinion and try to compare with modern life.
"Of course the man was wild too. Не was dreadfully wild. He didnt even begin to be tame till he met the Woman, and she told him that she did not like living in his wild ways. She picked out a nice dry Cave. . . "
Gr. 1: According to the text the woman organized her cave in proper way. It was cozy and nice. In our Life women keep the household and men work about the house only on the 8th of March.
Gr. 2: As for us we enjoy the following "Wipe your feet, dear, when you come in, and now well keep house". You know our mothers often say "wipe your feet". Some men are not tidy. These words are often used by women today too.
Gr. 3: We like the word "dreadfully wild". It is wonderful to discover the role of women in the development of the mankind. Women tame men all the time, they are not so strong as men but it seems to us women are wiser than men sometimes.
7). Pupils discuss the project:
-It gave a clear/poor explanation;
-It offered some new/dull information;
-It had convincing arguments for/against.
They suggest: "The project gives clear information".
VI. Analyze the main problem.
1) Teacher: As Somerset Maugham wrote: "Не not only created characters, he created mеn.
Rudyard Kipling was the first to blaze the trail through new-found country, and по оnе has made if more exciting, по оnе has presented it so vividly and with such а wealth of colour. Не had, like every writer, his short-comings, but he remains notwithstanding the best short story writer that England саn boast оf. "
What is your opin

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