Здоровый образ жизни. Fast Food . Это полезно или вредно

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e the sign Lavatory. If the door says vacant, you can go in, if it says occupied, you need to wait, because someone is in there.
Pas: Thank you very much.
St: You are welcome.
Stewardess Саша : Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?
The pilot has turned off the Fasten Seatbelt sign. But, when you are in your seat, please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times. Thank you.
Выходят Алена и Надя.
St. Надя : Here is the Menu. (выписывают из меню новые слова)
Алена: Would you like something to drink?
Геля: Could I have water with ice? Алиса: Could I have orange juice, please?
St. : Here you are.
StСаша: Please fill in this form before the plane lands. Its a Customs and Immigration form (Arrival card).
You will use that in the airport before you can enter the country. Саша раздает 8-классникам.
Заполняют a Customs and Immigration form. Arrival card.
6) The Arrival
St Аня. : Our plane arrived to airport Vancouver. Thank you for flying Air Canada!
Давид: We had a good trip. Thanks for your help.
St. : It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again.
IV. At Customs (по прилету в Канаду) . Соин Никита-Давид
C. : Where are you from?
C. : May I see your passport?
C. : Are you travelling alone?
No, we are 6.
C. : Have you been here before?
No, I havent.
C. : Whats the purpose of your visit?
I want to see Canada and learn English.
C. : Where are you going to stay?
In Vancouver with a Canadian family.
C. : How long are you going to be here?
For two weeks.
C. : Do you have anything to declare?
No, I dont.
C. : Have a good time in Canada.
Thank you.
V. Reflection
Are you ready to trav

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