is going to win their starting points by answering five questions.
Team 1
1) How old is London? (More than 2,000 years)
2) What are the national emblems of Wales? ( daffodil )
3) What is the floral symbol of London? ( rose )
4) What is the longest river in Great Britain? (The Severn)
5) What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh )
Team 2
1) The author of Tom Sawyer? (Mark Twain)
2) What is Union Jack? (The national flag of the UK)
3) What British holiday is on 5 November? (Guy Fawkes Night)
4) What is the nickname of the American flag? (Stars and Stripes)
5) How is the national Scottish costume called? (kilt)
Team 3
1) What holiday is on 26 December? (Boxing day)
2) The statue on an island? (the Statue of Liberty)
3) Whats the colour of Londons taxies? (black)
4) The bird for Christmas table? (turkey)
5) The founder of the famous amusement park? (Walt Disney)
Team 4
1) What is the floral symbol of Wales? (daffodil)
2) The author of Alice in Wonderland? (Louis Carroll)
3) How do people call the flag of England? ( the Union Jack )
4) The important inhabitants of the Tower of London? (ravens)
5) The current president of the USA? (Barak Obama)
Раунд 2 «Посмотри и угадай. Look and guess»
Вместо вопросов участникам викторины показывают портреты знаменитых писателей Великобритании, США, Канады. Задача игроков назвать правильно писателя.
You should say names of famous people on the portraits. Each team become one portrait.
Раунд 3 «Фольклорный. Folklore »
Say Tongue Twisters.
You should say Tongue Twisters: each member of the team say 1 tongue twister. If you pronounce it in the right way and quickly, the jury scores one point.
1. Four furious
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