Юный книголюб

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Конкурс капитанов команд
Раунд «Литературный» (участники соотносят автора и произведение)
Подведение итогов игры, выявление команд победителей (1, 2, 3 место по набранным баллам.
English fans
We travel in the world of English
And find it great and fun.
We are best English students.
So, here we have come!
We are the fans of English.
And its sincere friends.
We wish you luck and winning.
Let knowledge never ends.
Good morning, dear guests and participants! Today we are going to have a very special competition. Remember that the aim of the competition is not only to test your knowledge but to let you know more. You are going to have a quiz today devoted to English literature. During the game you will have to answer a lot of questions. Id like you to pay attention to the most difficult and the most interesting questions as well as the easiest one. Also, each team will have to name the best player at the end of the game.
Presentation of the teams and captains
Before we start the quiz each team should present itself. Tell your name and motto. The first team is from . You are welcome! (Presentation of the first team). The captain of the team is . Greet the first team! The second team is . And now well start the quiz.
Раунд 1 «Разминка. Warming-up activity»
To begin with, lets decide which team will be the first to start the game. Will you answer some questions?
Первая часть игры будет проводиться в виде блиц-викторины. Каждая команда по очереди получает вопрос, и если отвечает на него, то получает жетон. Если команда затрудняется ответить на вопрос, отвечает любая команда, знающая ответ. У каждой команды на столе лежат вопросы. В конце конкурса подсчитываются жетоны.
Now each team

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