y English titles consist only of nouns, without verbs.
oo In titles usually do not use articles and the verb to be.
oo English titles often use the tenses of the group Simple, instead of the forms Continuous or Perfect.
oo Present Simple is often used to describe present and past events.
oo the infinitive is often used to denote the future tense.
oo The preposition for is often used to describe future movements or plans for the future.
oo Colon is often used to separate the topic of a title from what has been said about that topic.
- Id like to introduce you with the evaluation criteria of participants works in the competence:
proximity to the original
oo Ill give you 20 minutes
Interactive board, Presentations
Main stage of the competition
30 min
Translate the following titles into Russian
1. Italys bank governor paints black picture.
2. BMW plans Rolls-Royce plant in south of England.
3. Sara Lee to refocus activities
4. Churches call for end to racial tension
5. Czechs pay a heavy price for bank sell-offs.
6. Muddying the waters
7. A Brave New Economy for Kazakhstan
8. weak euro making Кazakhstan complacent?
9. TV workers on strike
10. Conference to open today
Concluding stage
We thank all our participants for their work and our audience for attention and support. We hope that youve enjoyed this championship. I wish a success in your studying English. Good - bye!
ГККП "Мангистауский гуманитарный колледж
имени Мурын жырау Сенгирбекулы"
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