What right is right for me

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е. You can choose the exercise for your skills. For example «3», «4», «5».
Check it.
Who have not mistakes or have only one?
And now answer the questions.
1. What is the Convention?
2. What should children have according to the
3. What do grown-ups have to do?
I give you some papers, fill it, please.
Подводит итог урока, задавая домашнее задание и выставляя оценки.
Today we spoke about childrens rights. On the next lesson we will continue to discuss this problem. Your home task is ex. 3(2) p. 107. Which of these opinions do you agree or disagree with? Why?
Your marks for lesson.
Our lesson is over. Good by. See you tomorrow. Ученики выбирают задания в соответствии с их способностями среди трех групп: задания на «5», на «4», на «3».
Проверяют задания, поднимают руки те, у кого нет ошибок.
Convention is the most important document which gives us the rights.
The grown-ups have to protect and safe the children.
The children should have many different rights.
Good byКоммуникативные УУД: с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли
Личностные УУД: оценивать собственную учебную деятельность

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