What a Hero

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ctures. Take whichever one you like most. Now divide into groups by the theme of your pictures: Family, Disney heroes. Find your group and join them.
-Thank you very much.

Students will find their groups and work together.


III. Checking home task.

Now, be ready to check your home task ex:4b, p. 24, ex. 6 a), b), p. 25
Match your work with answers on the interactive board.
Ex. 4b: 1. was shining, 2. wasnt listening, 3. was . . . watching,
4. were painting, 5. werent working, 6. were . . . doing.
Ex. 6 a) listening CDs Track24. cda and checking
b) 1. A child, 2. Toddlers. 3. Elderly people, 4. A baby, 5. Middle-aged people, 6. Teenager.

Here are our criteria on the interactive board. Please, look and make your marks.
Ex. 4b: 6 marks
Ex. 6a): 6 marks
Ex. 6b): 6 marks
Total: 18 marks
Score: 18-16/18 Excellent
14-15/18 Good
9-13 /18 Satisfactory
0-8/18 Bad / Be attentive!

Students will check their work and put marks on criteria.

Individual Work
Textbook: Helen Hadkins and Samantha Lewis with Joanna Budden " Interactive", Students Book 2
IV. The main stage.

1. Developing dialogic talk

-Well done!
Boys, girls, thank you for your marks! Now, it is time to see a video and guess our new theme

- Answer my questions:
- What is the video about?
- Do you help people in need?
- How do you help a person in need?
- Do you think helping people is heroism?
- Whom can you call a hero? Wha

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