Welcome to America

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Welcome to America урок в 9 классе
(по учебнику К. И. Кауфман)
Цели и задачи:
1) Развитие навыков поискового чтения
2) Формирование представлений о стране на базе уже имеющихся знаний
3) Развитие познавательного интереса, воспитание толерантности к разным культурам.
Обрудование: физическая карта Америки, картины с изображением природы,
флаг США, раздаточный печатный материал, музыкальный фрагмент.

Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
2. Определение цели урока.

1. Учитель: Who really discovered America?
2. Ответ учеников.
-You are right. And whats here at the screen?
-American sights.
-Yes. Today well speak about American natural sights.
For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed to capture the public imagination and is remembered in history as the man who discovered America. Despite the fact that this is clearly not true, it has become impossible to turn this history on its head. Columbus had actually set off in search of India and it is clear from his diary that this is what he thought he had found. Moreover, people had been living in America, the land he discovered , for many thousands of years before he arrived. It is difficult to know why his reputation has survived so long.
Columbus wasnt even the first European to reach America. That had already happened 500 years before. In 982, Eirik the Red, chief of the Viking tribes on the island of Iceland, set sail and with the many people who went with him, set up a colony on the coast of Greenland.
It is in this light that we should judge the achievements of Columbus. In many ways he was certainly a hero, but the fact remains that he is famous for something that was achieved by someone 500 years before.

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