and nice.
In summer and in spring is warm, sunny. It is beautiful time.
There are three months in winter: December, January and February.
There are three months in spring: March, April and May.
There are three months in summer: June, July and August.
There are three months in autumn: September, October and November.
2. Словарная работа
New words
oo Fog (dim) - туман
oo Blow- дует
oo Pour - лить
oo it is shining - солнце светит
oo It is snowing - идёт снег
oo Frost- мороз
oo favorite season - любимое время года
oo Dreadful - ужасный
(Слова отрабатываются хором и индивидуально, записываются в тетрадь)
3. Составление рассказа по плану
Форма работы: работа в парах
1. You are works in pairs. We have 4 seasons in a year. Name them all. (Работа в парах. Существует 4 времени года. Назовите их. )
(Каждая пара получает иллюстрацию одного из сезонов)
- Look at the blackboard, please. There are three questions there. Read and translate them. (посмотрите на доску пожалуйста. Перед вами три вопроса. Прочитайте и переведите их. (Чтение, перевод)
1) How many months are there in your season? What are they?
2) Why do you like your season?
3) What is your favorite month?
- Now youll have to make up a short report about your season using there questions as a plan. Write it down and then give a talk. Other pupil can ask you questions after your talk.
- I give 5-6 minutes.
- Id like you to give a talk about your season.
Составляют рассказ, отвечая на вопросы, записывая в тетрадь. Представитель каждой пары делает сообщение. (There are three months in winter: December, January and February. I like winter because its frosty, snowy and nice. I can ski,
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