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Активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме

Организует опрос по изученному в качестве дом. задания тексту (упр. 2, с. 64):
1. What do you know about Intenet?
2. When was the last time you used the Internet?
3. What percentage of people in the world use the Internet?
4. How did the Internet get started?
5. How popular is it compared to TV?
1. I know that the Internet has many websites and lots of information that people can access.
2. I used it during the break/last evening/in the morning etc.
3. Only 17 of the worlds population is connected to the Web.
4. In the very early days of the Internet, in the 1970s and 80s, it was only used by academics and military researchers.
5. It took 5 years for the Internet to reach 50 million users but 13 years - for TV.

1. I know that the Internet has many websites and lots of information that people can access.
2. I used it during the break/last evening/in the morning etc.
3. Only 17 of the worlds population is connected to the Web.
4. In the very early days of the Internet, in the 1970s and 80s, it was only used by academics and military researchers.
5. It took 5 years for the Internet to reach 50 million users but 13 years - for TV.

Регулятивные УУД
-развивать объём внимания через постепенное увеличение количества воспринимаемых единиц;
-осуществлять самоконтроль учебной деятельности;
- действовать по аналогии;
- работать собранно и вдумчиво;

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