е на конечных результатах урока.
Закончите предложения:
1. Сегодня я узнал, что . . . .
2. Мне было трудно представить, что . . .
3. Я теперь смогу . . .
Систематизируют полученную информацию. Строят высказывания.
Регулятивные УУД
Домашнее задание.
Учитель задает домашнее задание:
1. Найдите в сети Интернет истории об известных людях с ОВЗ.
Записывают домашнее задание.
2 этап
Message of hope from Nick Vujicic (https://www. youtube. com/watch?v0DcqPzO26os&abchannelDiscoverHyundai)
::How do you think you would cope with having a disability like Nick?
::What tasks would be the most difficult?
::Does it surprise you to learn that Nick is married with a child? Why/why not?
3 этап
Acceptable words
Unacceptable words
person with a disability, disabled
handicapped, cripple, special
blind (people who are blind), visually-impaired
He / She cant see.
the blind
deaf (people who are deaf), hearing-impaired
He / She cant hear.
the deaf
mobility disability
He / She has problems with movement.
deformed, lame, maimed
developmentally disabled, intellectual disability
He / She has mental problems.
retarded, mentally challenged
learning disabled, learning disability
He / She has problems with learning.
slow, special
mental illness, psychiatric disability
He / She has psychiatric illness.
mental, crazy, insane, lunatic
Источник: видеоурок http://www. engvid. com/disability-vocabulary/
4 этап
1. Выразить без слов.
I feel funny. I want a
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