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Jane: Thats my cousin, Bill.
IV. Тренировка в применении новой лексики для описания различных людей.
Слайд 6.
Teacher: Choose one of the people in the picture and describe him or her according to the plan.
1. Looks Age
2. Height Weight
3. Hair Eyes
Example: She is a nice-looking old lady in her mid-eighties. She is of medium height and rather slim for her age. She has white curly hair and blue eyes.
V. Активизация лексики, обозначающей личностные характеристики и введённой на предыдущем уроке.
Слайд 7.
Teacher: Very often people say that personal qualities are far more important than somebodys appearance. What is more important for you?
Look at some adjectives and try to explain their meanings.
Example: Optimistic people always look on the bright side of life etc.
Слайд 8.
Teacher: Now match the adjectives to their opposites and try to explain what they mean.
Example: optimistic - pessimistic
Pessimistic people always expect something bad to happen etc.
Слайд 9. 1
Teacher: Have a look at the words and say the corresponding opposites.
Слайд 9. 2
Teacher: Look at the pictures and choose the most suitable adjective for each of them.
VI. Тренировка в восприятии на слух текста, содержащего character adjectives.
Ann: I consider myself to be the sort of person who enjoys other peoples company. I like to meet new people and I love to chat.
Sue: I like to do things my own way and I dont listen to other people even if deep down I know that what they are saying makes sense.
Billy: I dont think theres anything wrong with putting yourself first. I mean, let other people worry about themselves. Weve all got our own problems and I al

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