Учеба за рубежом

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йствительно радует.
Drinking hot tea is something you need when youre ill. - Пить горячий чай - это то, что тебе нужно, когда ты болеешь.

Практическая часть
Переведите диалог
- What are you doing?
- I am doing my homework at the moment. What about you?
- I am reading a book.
- My friends are playing football now.
- What is your family doing?
- My mom is going for a walk with my youngest sister and dad is driving a car, he is going to London.
- Hey, are you busy now? Whats up, what are you doing now?
- I am watching TV, Jerry is eating and Rihanna is sleeping now.
- Lets go play outside?
- Nick is travelling around the world. And his best friend Anna is cooking a dinner now.
- What are you doing?
- I am writing my diploma project.
- Whats your plan for today?
- Oh, actually, I am speaking on the phone with my boss.
- Lea is such a nice girl. She is working really hard this time.
- Mike is riding a bike now and I am going to ride mine too.
- Look, look the planes landing!
- Great, finally we see Jerry! I am missing him so much.
- Look! He is shaking (to shake) hands with Mr. Stalone.
- Oh, man, thats so cool, because I am his fan as well!
- I am lying (to lie) on the beach now and getting some tan.
- Oh, nice, Id like to join you, but I am sitting at the office and doing my job.

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
1. We consider to be the ways in which people learn skills, gain and understanding about the world and about themselves.
2. expect learners to come to school regularly and on time.
3. Teachers want learners to pass successfully.
4. Teachers want them to take

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