Учеба за рубежом

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up their education after leaving .
5. At secondary school pupils are taught different .
Extend the following sentences with the words given in brackets.
1. People gain knowledge (understanding, about, the world, and).
2. People get information (own, initiative, their, on, a teacher, without).
3. People continue their education (school, after, leaving, to, want).
4. They receive instruction (in, also, different, subjects).
Decide which word is the odd one out in each line.
1. A school, a museum, a college, a university (a museum)
2. A pupil, a learner, a teacher, a student (a teacher)
3. A test, a diploma, a degree, a certificate (a test)
4. Geography, history, arithmetic, heritage (heritage)
5. Carpentry, metalwork, electronics, writing (writing)

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Education is an important part of our life, because it usually determines the life journey. More and more young people aspire to get education abroad today and this rush is gaining popularity at an amazing rate. Parents eagerly send their children to Europe or USA to get an overseas diploma and good professional skills. The majority of young people want to graduate from a university or even a college in English-speaking countries.
There are a lot of advantages of studying in foreign university. First of all, you study to communicate with people of different races, nationalities and with different religious views. Studying abroad increases harmony and love between students irrespective of their color and creed because usually students live in hostels. This factor brings them close to each other. You study not only a subject but also a culture that you never knew before. Moreover, st

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