Традиции англоязычных стран и Украины

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Позаурочний захід на тему: «Традиції та звичаї Великобританії, Сполучених Штатів Америки та України. »( 9 клас).
Мета заходу:
узагальнити та розширити знання з теми на основі вивченого матеріалу;
розвивати пізнавальну активність учнів та сприяти розвитку комунікативних навичок;
сприяти розширенню кругозору учнів;
виховувати культуру спілкування.
Проведення заходу( Procedure). Role-play.
Greeting. The leader: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see all of you here, in the capital of Ukraine. Let me greet our American and English guests. Today we are going to talk about national holidays and traditions of our countries. Its very interesting to learn some facts about customs because in a such way we can get to know more about different countries. We gathered here because we are interested in national traditions of our counties. And now Id like to ask our guests from America to tell about the traditions of their country.
(Some pupils who play the role of the Americans speak. ) The main part.
Pupil 1: Of course, we shall tell you about them with great pleasure. The United States is a young country. Thats why some of our traditions are not old, but some of them have ancient origin, because they appeared when different people came to America and brought the part their history in the new world. I want to tell you about the holiday which is celebrated all over the world, but we have some interesting features. This holiday is Christmas . In the USA a lot of people gather at their homes and celebrate it there singing carols . In New York people go to the Rockfeller Center where they see a very big X-mas tree, its very high just like the skyscraper. Its the biggest X-mas tree in the world. Of course. the Americans decorat

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