The Employment

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use such communicative types of speech as description, communication, etc.
oo to understand by ear the speech of the teacher during the lesson
oo to use plural form of nouns articles correctly
Lesson objectives:

oo form an ability to independently plan speech behavior
oo form the ability to independently implement language facilities
oo improve the culture of communication

oo development of students mental functions

Bring up:
the formation of a correct speech

Mastering the techniques of working with text relating to the technology of critical thinking, motivation for cognitive activity;
Development of skills of search reading;
Mastering the thematic vocabulary through the context.
Results of the lesson:

Students could make research work about the theme.

Exchange the opinion with each other, working in groups, could work in critical thinking, learn to speak own ideas in English.
During the experiment the experience can be linked and categorized into the topic of life;

Inter-subject communication:

ІІ BLOCK "Lesson equipment"
Website: film-english. com
Technical equipment
Computer, active board
Information resource

Website: film-english. com

Basic terms and concepts
Verb, past, future, present, continuous, usage, rules, simple
Techniques and methods of lesson:
Critical thinking technology, question and answer method, reporting method, information collected from media.
Educational and methodical complex
Teaching-methodological compl

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