She has to earn her pocket money.
She isnt allowed to have a boyfriend.
She cant earn money.
Her parents possibly want her to look after her baby sister.
Possible answers: school, too much homework, household chores, lack of pocket money, dependence on your parents, bullying, loneliness, etc.
Читают и обсуждают в парах. . Монологические высказывания от представителей каждой пары.
The first poem belongs to the first girl.
There are 10 why- questions and the answer at the end of the poem doesnt help. We think, school, parents, adults, psychologists, the government and teenagers themselves can help. The second poem sounds more optimistic. Theres only 1why- question and theres a lot of practical advice.
Most prefer to find solutions.
Аудирование слушают дважды. Обучающиеся сами формулируют учебную цель:
We are going to make our own rules for life.
2 этап – операционно- деятельностный
Содержание деятельности учителя:
Консультирует, наблюдает за участниками групп, поочередно подходя к каждой группе и слушая обсуждениеСодержание деятельности обучающихся:
Обучающиеся обсуждают варианты, соблюдая правила этикета, формулируют правила, используя тексты стихотворений и материалы аудиозаписи.
Возможный вариант письменного высказывания (продукт деятельности обучающихся):
1. We dont think that money and fame can make you happy.
2. If you want to be happy, find a job to your liking.
3. Dont look for the meaning in life. The meaning is what you do with your life.
4. Look for the good in people and things.
5. Forgive yourself and others.
6. Smile a lot.
7. Enjoy your life.
8. Be the most optimistic and positive person you know.
9. Dont be afraid of changes. <
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