Superstitions in our life

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Учитель Ирина Багирова ( Азербайджан Сумгаит)
Класс 9
Тема урока The World of Superstition
Интеграция History, Literature ,Life Study
Техники KWL, Questionning, Discussion, Dialogues,
Presentations, Reflection, Competition, Research etc.
Формы работы Individual, in pairs, in small groups, collective
Ресурсы Images, posters, projector, computers, Internet access
Результаты Students are able to speak and ask questions about
beliefs and superstitions in different cultures;
they demonstrate their own attitude on being
superstitious ;
they can explain the source of various prejudices in our
everyday life.

I. Мотивация (How to draw students attention to the subject of the lesson).
When the students enter the classroom the teacher asks them to do a task before taking places. Every student gets an image which must be put on the magnet board with Good luck and Bad luck columns according to its meaning. The students are asked to make the right choice (they get pictures of a horse-shoe, a broken mirror, a black cat, a rabbit etc. ). One by one they place pictures on the board.
After completing the task students sit at the desks in groups of five. Now the teacher invites everybody to watch a MisterDuncan video in order them to understand what the topic of the lesson is : //www. youtube. com/watch?v8yPJwjEE3oI
We are going to discuss The World of Superstition. ( a part of video is demonstrated)
II Направляющие вопросы:
The person who believes in omen is called superstitious.
1) Are you superstitious?
If you think you are or you are not, give your examples.
Students answer and bring samples from everydays life.
2) Do you know anyone who is superstitious? (

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