Средства массовой информации. Роль телевидения, книг и компьютеров в нашей жизни

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>2. A computer can help you in reading books without turning the pages but working on the computer
has a harmful impact on eyesight.
demands certain effort.
doesnt bring pleasure.
3. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding
the author and arouse unforgettable emotions.
the art of film production.
the problems of film making industry.
5. Работа над словообразовательными суффиксами и приставками.
Internet: How It Affects Us.
One of the most (1) (value) functions of the Internet is its (2) (inform) function. The Internet keeps people informed about current events, as well as about the (3) (late) (4) (achieve) in science and culture. You can even find out how to pass from the (5) (ground) station to the house of your girlfriend, who (6) (recent) moved to London. Recently a system of (7) (distant) learning became (8) (popularize). You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. An individual (9) (educate) program can be developed (10) (especial) for you. The Internet is also (11) (wide) used in business. Thanks to the Internet, we have rapid (12) (connect) with partners from all corners of the world. You can even conduct (13) (negotiate), hear and see your contacts, and (14) (change) graphic and textual information.
6. Работа над устной речью
Teacher: As you can understand reading books is very important, interesting and useful. But the number of young people who arent reading is increasing. Even though theyve got interesting books at home suitable for their age group and school libraries full of possibilities.
Share your opinion on this topic. Do you spend too little time on reading books? Havent you become lazier? Why do children today read so li

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