Средства массовой информации. Роль телевидения, книг и компьютеров в нашей жизни

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l atmosphere. They take us into the imaginary world of high human emotions, exciting relations. A computer can help you in reading these books without turning the pages but working on the computer demands certain effort. You are to sit straight, not to stoop, you keep your finger on the keyboard. Besides computers have a harmful impact on the eyesight. In me opinion, its impossible to read "War and Peace" on the screen. Well lack something important: the invisible contact with the writer who speaks with us from the passed centuries.
As to TV, its role is expressed in the proverb, "Its better to see than to hear". Paraphrasing it we can say its good to see after you have read. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding the author and arouse unforgettable emotions. But books are the greatest wonders in the world, which brings us knowledge and bring us up. Through centuries and distances we can keep in touch with the greatest minds in the universe.
Find English equivalents to these Russian sentences.
1. Что касается книг и компьютеров, я твердо уверен, что компьютеры никогда не заменят книги.
2. Я уверен, что компьютеры нельзя сравнить с художественной литературой.
3. Исторические романы, приключенческие книги, детективы, научная фантастика, романы и стихи, которые мы читаем ради удовольствия или по рекомендации учителей, создают особую атмосферу.
4. Книги - это величайшее чудо в мире. Они дают знания и воспитывают нас. Через времена и расстояния мы можем соприкоснуться с величайшими умами человечества.
Choose the correct variant to finish the sentences.
1. It is quicker and easier to find the necessary information
in the reference book.
watching TV
in the computer.

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