Спорт в Великобритании и в Казахстане

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teur teams for young men in all parts of the country. But for most of the public, football is a professional game which is watched on Saturday afternoons at the local stadium. Professional football is a big business. Every large town has one or more professional football clubs. So, football is the national sport and British club teams are successful in Europe.
T: Thats right. Thank you.
Kristina, tell us please about cricket.
P: Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in understanding. There are two teams of eleven players. Matches last from 1 to 5 days. Many people think it is a slow and boring game. But it can be very exciting and rather dangerous.
T: Thank you, Kristina for your interesting information. Go on please. And what do you know about rugby? Kamila, please.
P: Rugby football is a type of football played with an oval ball, by 2 teams of 13 or 15 men. This is the kind of football in which the players may run with the ball in their hands. Some people say thats not game, its a battle because when you pick up the ball and run with it the other side tries to make you fall.
T: Thanks, Kamila. I agree with you entirely. Netball is a sport game in GB too. Ersen, continue please about netball.
P: Netball is similar to basketball. Ther are 7 players (usually girls or women) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball: to trow the ball through a net at the top of a three – metre post.
T: Children, I think squash is a very unusial game in G. B. Yana, say some words about squash.
P: Squash is another British invention. It is a form of tennis. There are two players and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball. They play indoors. It is a very

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